LEVEL Function

Follow these steps to effectively use the LEVEL function:

  1. Click the Function LEVEL in the Ribbon. This action initiates the LEVEL function and prepares the system for further input.
  2. Choose whether to use a new base point or the last used one.
    • If you select New Base Point, you will be prompted to pick a new base point.
    • If you choose Last Used Base Point, the function will apply the previously saved information from steps 3, 4, and 5. This means you can skip directly to step 6.
  3. If selecting a new base point, you will be asked to pick a base point. Click on the desired location to define your new base reference.
  4. After selecting a base point, enter the level in millimeters (mm). This sets the height or depth relative to your base point.
  5. Next, specify the number of decimal places. This determines the precision of the level measurements.
  6. Finally, you can start clicking to add levels relative to your base level. Each click will add a new level based on the base point and the parameters you've set.