License Options for AddoBAR

Standalone License

  • R5800 / €335

A standalone license requires a unique serial key for each workstation and is tied to that specific machine until manually deactivated. This option is ideal for dedicated workstations where the software is used exclusively on a single machine.

For more information or to request a quote on a standalone license, contact us.

Multi-User Network License

  • 1st Seat: R8700 / €500
  • 2nd Seat: R8200 / €475
  • 3rd Seat: R7600 / €435
  • 4th Seat: R7100 / €410
  • Additional Seats 5+: R6100 total / €355 per seat per year

For more information or to request a quote on a multi-user network license, contact us.

With a network license, a specified number of users can access AddoBAR simultaneously from separate workstations. For example, a 10-seat network license allows ten users to use AddoBAR at the same time. If additional users need access while all seats are occupied, a current user can close CAD to automatically release the license key. This system provides flexible and efficient use of AddoBAR based on immediate needs. The single license key will return to the pool when CAD is closed, unless the Retain Key Option is selected.

Retain Key Option

This option allows a workstation to hold a license seat until it is manually deactivated. It’s ideal for critical tasks or dedicated workstations, ensuring that a seat remains reserved for ongoing work.

Automatic Seat Release

Without the Retain Key option, a license seat automatically releases when the CAD software is closed. This facilitates efficient sharing of seats among users and ensures availability when needed.

Network Key Flexibility

The network license key is a single serial number that can be used on any number of computers. However, only the specified number of seats can be active simultaneously. This flexibility is advantageous for hybrid work environments, allowing users to access licenses from both home and the office, with seats freed up when CAD is closed.