Manipulating Reinforcement Bar

In this guide, we'll cover essential ways to manipulate a reinforcement object in your CAD environment, including moving, rotating, and stretching bars. These tools allow you to adjust reinforcement objects precisely to fit your design.

Method 1: Moving using Move function

To move a reinforcement object, use the standard CAD Move function. This allows you to reposition the object without changing its dimensions or orientation.

  1. Select the reinforcement object you want to move.
  2. Activate the Move command in your CAD toolbar or by typing Move in the command line.
  3. Choose the base point of the object as your reference.
  4. Click the new location where you want the object to be placed.

Method 2: Moving with Grip Points

You can move a reinforcement object by using the pink grip points for quick adjustments.

  1. Select the reinforcement object.
  2. Click on the pink grip point that appears.
  3. Drag the reinforcement to the desired location and click to place it.

2. Rotating the Object

You can rotate reinforcement objects using two methods: the standard CAD Rotate function or by adjusting the rotation directly in the object properties.

Method 1: CAD Rotate Function

  1. Select the reinforcement object.
  2. Activate the Rotate command from the toolbar or type Rotate in the command line.
  3. Select a base point for the rotation.
  4. Specify the rotation angle, or visually rotate the object as needed.

Method 2: Rotating with Grip Points

  1. Select the reinforcement object.
  2. Click on the gray circular grip point that appears.
  3. Move the mouse to rotate the object to the desired angle, then click to confirm.

Method 3: Adjusting Rotation in Object Properties

  1. Select the reinforcement object.
  2. Open the Properties panel.
  3. In the Rotation field, you'll find three options to adjust:
    • (B) Bar: Rotate the bar itself.
    • (L) Label: Adjust the rotation of the label attached to the bar.
    • (T) Text on Bar: Rotate the text displayed on the bar.
  4. Manually enter the desired angles for each item to achieve the required rotation.

3. Stretching the Bar

Method 1: Using Grip Points

You can stretch a reinforcement bar directly by using the grip points. This method allows you to visually adjust the bar’s length within the drawing.

  1. Select the reinforcement bar by clicking on it.
  2. Grip points will appear on the bar. Click one of the end grip points.
  3. Drag the grip point to the desired new location to either stretch or shorten the bar.
  4. Click to place the new endpoint, adjusting the bar's length accordingly.

Method 2: Using the Properties Palette

For more precise control, you can adjust the bar’s dimensions in the properties palette.

  1. Select the reinforcement bar by clicking on it.
  2. Open the Properties panel.
  3. Find the fields for the bar’s dimensions and manually enter the desired values to adjust its length.